“Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I’ll rise.” — Maya Angelou
The dawn of a new time is arriving. 2021 is right around the corner and Scorpio season is inviting us to mourn our losses, rise above the ashes, and evolve. Scorpios have an understanding of the nature of chaos, making them a deeply emotional soul. Their purpose within the zodiac is to inspire the other signs to process change and walk forward on their path.
Read below for a mini horoscope based off your Sun and/or Rising Sign!
Mars has been in your stars since June. This extra long run in Aries is all thanks to a retrograde that began in September. Good news is that Mars, the quick-tempered, warrior planet is finally moving direct on November 13. You’ve been through the fire, redeveloping your self-image to one that resonates with the person you are today. November is when you will start to feel the progress showing results. In other words, you’ll feel more aligned with yourself again soon.
Scorpio season is a crucial time for you Aries. It’s when you feel the shedding phase coming on. All year Pluto (transformation), Saturn (maturity), and Jupiter (good fortune) have been moving through your house of career, reputation, and purpose. This transit is really putting you through the test of honor, humility, and response-ability. Nov 12 is a day that brings one last opportunity to release any bonds you have to old images of yourself. Here is where you get to totally redeem yourself to the world, beginning with you. This transit occurred twice earlier this year (April 4 and June 30), reflect back to these times as you mindfully rebuild your image to one that aligns to the new you.
Since June Mars has been travelling through your house of meditation, reflection and surrender. The second half of 2020 is a mix of steady reset and overwhelming sights of beginnings. Good news is that these beginnings are on their way to you as Mars goes direct Nov 13. This feeling of moving backwards was part of a Mars (action, courage, ego) retrograde, causing everyone to slow down. November brings you forward again with a better awareness of what your worth is.
Scorpio season highlights your house of relationships (romantic & business!). The light shown here invites you to open your heart and connect with those relationships that you are so heavily invested in. If you are single, this is a time to create the vision of what your ideal relationship looks like. Your house of faith, expansion, and philosophy have been highlighted all of 2020 with Pluto (death/rebirth), Saturn (time), and Jupiter (luck) travelling through Capricorn. All year it has felt like you were put on a stage to go through a performance act with zero preparation. The universe has only ever put you through lessons fully knowing you are capable of passing. With this theme of faith coming to a close, what have you learned this year that can help you in future times of trust in the universe? You know the sense of value more than any other sign. Take that special eye of yours for beauty and discover that piece of you that
Your quick wit nature draws your social circle wide and this year you’ve noticed an increase in text messages, emails, and correspondence with people. Mars the planet of drive and passion, has been running through your house of friendships, community and groups since June. It’s a strange jog through this house because of a retrograde that began in September. Good news is that Mars goes direct again on Nov 13. You will notice an easier dynamic between your friends and community. Your passion to connect with other people with enthusiasm will resume it’s normal, quick nature pace.
Scorpio season is a great time for you to reconnect to your health and habits. Look over your routines and incorporate ones that go with the season: eating warmer foods and more cardio to keep the body warm through the cooler months. Your house of transformation has been highlighted all year with Pluto (metamorphosis), Saturn (maturity), and Jupiter (enthusiasm) traveling through Capricorn. You tend to be very independent when it comes to your resources. If you want something, you go out and get it! This year you have probably learned more about relying on others who can save you time from hustling to get your own. Nov 12 is when all of the lessons learned from April to now are tied together in one full picture. You will be reborn again .
Scorpio season highlights your house of creativity and romance! This season is a time to have fun. If you are in a relationship, spice up your romantic life without holding back! If you are single, spend time diving deep into your hobbies, exploring your creative side solo. All year long you’ve had Pluto (rebirth), Saturn (maturity), and Jupiter (expansion) in your house of relationships. This year was nothing short of romantic themes, whether in a partnership or single! Exploring relationships with a new lens of maturity brings change of depth to what your ideal relationship is. Nov 12 the culmination of these themes come to a close and you’ll get a chance to revisit with clarity where your next steps of the journey are.
Mars (assertion and fighting spirit) has been running through your house of career and reputation. Since June you’ve noticed where your ego lies when it comes to your work. Mars went retrograde in September and will return direct on Nov 13. The good news is you’ll get to revisit conflicts with a better understanding of your purpose and role.
The Sun is travelling through your house of home, rest, and nurture. The days are getting shorter, and your the zodiac sign that loves the Sun more than anything. The Sun is now in a position inviting you to reconnect to your roots and nurture your creative soul with rest. It’s okay to take a break and slow down. On Nov 13 the planets Pluto (power), Saturn (responsibility), and Jupiter (growth) have been travelling through your house of health and service. Your health is your wealth, creating habits that keep you standing in the long run are themes learned this year. We’re coming to a close as these planets move away from Capricorn, but of course, they want to make another alignment this month!
Mars (warrior) has been travelling through your house of faith and optimism. In a year full of restriction, you’ve probably felt more lows than normal. The second half of 2020 has brought awareness to the faith you have in yourself for pulling through such hard times. You are a powerhouse of a sign Leo, remember that as Mars moves direct on Nov 13 and regains momentum through your house of trust.
Scorpio season highlights your house of communication, learning, and short travel. This is a time where you watch the world around you transform beginning at your word. You communicate the elements of transformation so eloquently, inspiring others to turn over a new leaf. The house of creativity and romance has been going through an adjustment all year. November you will being to see the themes come to a close as Nov 12 the planets of transformation, maturity and growth travel through your fellow Earth sign Capricorn. This means you will start to see the light at the end of the tunnel for any creative projects you began earlier this year.
The planet of war, ego and pride (Mars) has been travelling through your house of shared resources. Since June you’ve been very aware of your assets and the necessary changes you need to make thanks to the 2020 stars. However, you’ve probably felt like your partner lagged in the enthusiasm, thus catching you off your game. This is thanks to a Mars retrograde that began in September, now moving forward on Nov 13. You’re back on the same page, moving forward!
The Sun has entered your house of finance and relationship to money. This is a good time to get on your finances and create your budget for next year. This could also be a great time to purge closets (clothes and cleaning) to give yourself some breathing room. Mars, the planet of courage and vitality has been running through your house of relationships and partnerships. Since June you’ve felt the pressure of being there for your partners and assisting them with their energetic drive. This extra long journey is thanks to a retrograde that began in September, finally moving forward this month on Nov 13. This retrograde was a time to slow it down and motivate you to think of yourself for a moment.
Your house of home, rest and nurture has been on the forefront all year along thanks to Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter all in Capricorn for most the entire year. Nov 12 is a special day that we’ve visited before on April 4 and June 30. Everything you’ve established all year long to tend to your nest is what the universe had on your agenda. Now these themes are coming to a close and it’s time for you to enjoy the space you’ve created and had so much time to deconstruct and rebuild!
It’s your season!!!! The time to shine is now, bask in the warmth of the Sun passing through your stars. People are paying attention to everything you have to bring into this world. You are reserved sign that has their guard up, but despite that, this season there is no hiding from the spotlight.
Mars, your ruler, is passing through your house of health and habits. Since June, the health and your sanity have been on a run that feels like its never ending thanks to a retrograde that began in September. Good news Scorpio, Mars is travelling forward again on Nov 13, motivating you to regain control of your choices to better health.
The Sun has entered your house of isolation, meditation, and silence. This is a transformative season for everyone, but for you Sagittarius, this is your time to go inside. You are approaching your birthday soon and reflecting on the end of a solar return. Let the watery depths surface as you transform to the next phase of your life. This receptive time will help you gain the energy for your birthday season!
Mars the planet of anger and survival has been travelling through your house of creativity and romance. Since June you’ve felt the pressure to perform solo and perform well! In September the universe brought force to slow down your roll and edit your show. You will begin to see forward movement with a creative project starting Nov 13, inspiring you to take risks. Remember that the Mars retrograde of Sept/Oct taught you how to think before you act and revisit your intuitional skills.
Scorpio season is here to highlight your house of community and friendships! Your friendships go through transformation during this time of the year. When the fall and winter months start to roll in, people are spending more time indoors and inwards. You don’t take things personal and that’s why your relationships go through constant change is just the norm for you. This Scorpio season is connected to a transformation in your house of identity. You are just as important and effective in a relationship as the other party. This year you have probably had many lessons relating to your self-image and how the world sees you. The light as at the end of the tunnel as Nov 12 brings a line up of Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn (death, expansion, and maturity) in your house of first impressions.
Mars has been tackling your house of home and nurture, inspiring you to think of how your establish the feeling of ‘home’ and connecting to your roots again. Since September, this planet has been retrograde, really posing the question about what makes you feel at home? The good news is that this planet moves forward again on Nov 13, making the answer clearer to you.
The Sun is travelling through your house of career and leadership in the sign of Scorpio. We are a leader on any point on the scale. We influence those around us and maybe even on a larger scale through media outlets. Scorpio is a sign of deep transformation and emotional charge, thus inspiring you to redevelop your relationship to responsibility. You are the sign of humanity, and it is important for your personality to go through the humble changes it needs to be reborn again.
Mars has been running through your house of communication and short travel. Your communication skills have been on the spotlight under the planet of ego and assertion. You are very confident about the knowledge you possess and share, but this transit has been going on since June. It’s extra long thanks to a retrograde that began in September, teaching you to slow your roll when communicating. Thankfully, Mars goes direct on Nov 13, reigniting its speed in thinking, communicating and researching.
The Sun is moving through your sister water sign, Scorpio! You relate to the universal transformation with compassion and understanding. Pisces you are familiar with the different behaviors water can exhibit and therefore you know that the behavior is a product of the energy around it. Scorpio season is a time of change and transformation, and this brings you so much optimism because you know that eventually the tidal waves of change will be followed by a steady stream. Your imaginative nature has so much faith for the phoenix to rise above the ashes. Keep that faith strong!
Mars is moving direct on Nov 12, making your house of finance, income, and stability move at its normal pace again. You are someone who can spend energy quickly without realizing what the return of investment is. This retrograde from Sept to Nov has taught you how to spend diligently and mindfully. The light is at the end of the tunnel with this Mars in Aries journey. Take all the lessons you learned since June and apply it!